Holy Titclamps presents:
Queer Spoken Word

Hubbub ran January through October 2003. Hubbub host Larry-bob's current spoken word series is "Smack Dab", a collaboration with Kirk Read. For current info, see SFQueer.com.

We have had ten of this monthly series of spoken word events.

Thanks to our past featured performers: Jamez Smith, Andre The Urban Hermitt, Gwendolyn Bikis, Lloyd Stensrud, Jennifer Argle, Ian Philips, seely quest, John Tunui, Julia Serano, Jason Alley, Alvin Orloff, Lito Sandoval, Shailja Patel, Roger Pinnell, Red Jordan Arobateau, and Ed Mycue. Thanks also to our past open mike performers.

Queer Spoken Word Links

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